
Bevviie (Pty) Ltd,  (“Bevviie (Pty) Ltd” or “we” or “us” or “our”) respects the privacy of its users (“user” or you”) and is committed to protecting the personal information that you may disclose upon visiting our website. The following Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about the types of information that Bevviie (Pty) Ltd may gather about or collect from you in connection with your use of the website. It also is intended to explain the conditions under which Bevviie (Pty) Ltd uses and discloses that information, and your rights in relation to that information. Each time you use the website, the current version of this Privacy Policy will apply. Accordingly, each time you use the website you should check the date of this Privacy Policy (which appears in the top right-hand corner as ‘effective date’) and review any changes since the last time you used the website. Changes to this Privacy Policy are addressed more specifically at the end of this document.

Our website is subject to U.S. state and federal law. If you are accessing our website from other jurisdictions, please be advised that you are transferring your personal information to us in the United States, and by using our website, you consent to that transfer and to abide by the applicable state and U.S. federal laws concerning your use of the website.


Bevviie (Pty) Ltd,  is not intended for use by persons under the age of 21 and we do not knowingly collect PII from anyone under the age of 21. COLLECTION OF INFORMATION Personally Identifying Information In order to obtain our services along with information concerning said services, you will be asked to furnish varying amounts of Personal Information. Bevviie (Pty) Ltd may collect the following information that identifies you as an individual: first name, last name, street address, city, state, zip code, cross streets, phone number, email address, GPS location (via location services), electronic signature and credit card information (collectively referred to as “Personally Identifiable Information” or “PII”). Users are under no obligation to provide Bevviie (Pty) Ltd with PII of any kind. We will not collect PII unless you voluntarily choose to provide it (e.g. by registration of a Bevviie (Pty) Ltd user account), with the caveat that refusal to do so may prevent a user from using certain website features.

Furthermore, information may be collected regarding users’ current and past Bevviie (Pty) Ltd orders, gratuity amounts, customer inquiries, service reviews and certain social networking preferences relating to Bevviie (Pty) Ltd (e.g. pages or entities you ‘like’, ‘recommend’ or ‘follow’ via social media). Non Personally Identifying Information In addition to the information you provide, Non-Personally Identifiable Information (Non-PII) may also be collected during your visit to our website. Non-PII is aggregated information that does not reveal your specific identity. Through automatic data collection tools, we may collect certain types of data that include but are not limited to data from Cookies, Pixel Tags and Web Beacons, and Device Data. Non-Identifying Information may be derived from Personal Information. USE AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION Personally Identifying Information Much of the PII we collect is information provided by you at the time you register with the website and times you place beverage orders. Bevviie (Pty) Ltd may use PII to better meet your individual user needs, specifically to: (1) provide our services to you (e.g. allow you to order beverages through our partners and have them delivered to you, or provide you with related information); (2) fulfill your purchase (e.g. process credit card payments in connection with your beverage order); (3) inform you of products and make you aware of new or similar products and promotions in which you might be interested; (4) send you important information regarding the site, changes to our terms, conditions, and policies; (5) create Bevviie (Pty) Ltd user accounts.

Bevviie (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to contact you via email regarding company updates, including but not limited to new products, services, and/or promotions that we believe may be of interest to you. You may update your subscription preferences at any time by following the instructions contained in the e-mails that we send to you. Please note that even if you unsubscribe from promotional email messages, we may still need to contact you with important transactional information related to your account and your purchases. For example, even if you have unsubscribed from our promotional email messages, we will still send you confirmations when you make purchases on the Site.>


You may opt to allow our website to store certain Personal Information used to create user accounts, including, but not limited to, credit card information. Stored PII allows Bevviie (Pty) Ltd to customize future order processing for you. We will cease storing certain Personal Information at any time upon your request.

Bevviie (Pty) Ltd will not sell or otherwise disclose Personally Identifiable Information collected through our services to third parties without your consent, except in the limited circumstances described below. Trusted Partners These parties include any participating beverage vendors or distributors that appear on our website with whom you may place orders. When an order is placed through our website, Bevviie (Pty) Ltd will transfer all Personal Information to the distributor necessary for preparing and processing the order. On occasion, this may include transferring credit card and other payment information in cases where a distributor, rather than Bevviie (Pty) Ltd, is processing the payment. Users will need to contact beverage vendors directly to determine the privacy policies that apply to the information we consequently transfer to them. Third Party Service Providers and Agents We may share your Personally Identifying Information, which may include your name and contact information (including email address) with our authorized service providers that perform certain services on our behalf. These services may include fulfilling orders, providing customer service and marketing assistance, performing business and sales analysis, supporting our website functionality, and supporting information requests along with other features offered through our website. We may also share your name, contact information and credit card information with our authorized service providers who process credit card payments. The aforementioned parties do not use or otherwise disclose any information except as authorized agents for the purpose of providing the services that you have requested or administering the activities on Bevviie (Pty) Ltd’s behalf. These service providers are not permitted to share or use such information for any other purpose.
We contractually prohibit our contractors, affiliates, and vendors from disclosing Personally Identifying Information received from Bevviie (Pty) Ltd, other than in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Third parties are under no obligation to comply with this Privacy Policy, however, with respect to Personally Identifying Information that users provide directly to those third parties or that those third parties collect for themselves. Bevviie (Pty) Ltd,  neither owns nor controls the third party websites accessible through our website. Thus, this Privacy Policy does not apply to information provided to or gathered by the third parties that operate them Legal Requirements and Investigations Bevviie (Pty) Ltd will disclose your Personally Identifying Information to a third party if required to do so by law or if, in good faith, we believe that such action is necessary to: (1) comply with the law or with legal process; (2) protect and defend the company’s rights and property or prevent fraud; (3) protect the company against abuse, misuse or unauthorized use of our services.
Bevviie (Pty) Ltd,  may also disclose PII to third parties such as attorneys, collection agencies, tribunals or law enforcement authorities pursuant to valid requests in connection with alleged violations of our terms of use and service or other alleged contract violations, infringement or similar harm to persons or property. Non-Personally Identifying Information We may disclose all aggregated and Non-Personally Identifying Information we collect via the automatic data collection tools touched on above. We may share Non-PII to develop and deliver targeted advertising on our website and on websites of third parties. We also may share aggregated information with third parties, including advisors, advertisers and investors, for the purpose of conducting general business analysis. For example, we may tell our advertisers the number of visitors to our website and the most popular features or services accessed. This information may be used to develop website content and services while targeting content and advertising that we hope you and other users will find of interest. PROTECTION OF INFORMATION Bevviie (Pty) Ltd,  implements a variety of security measures equal to or exceeding industry standards in order to maintain the safety of your Personally Identifying Information. These measures reflect our commitment to protect PII from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification and disclosure of Personal Information. Unfortunately, despite these measures, we cannot guarantee the complete and absolute security of PII. By using the services offered by Bevviie (Pty) Ltd, you acknowledge and agree that we make no such guarantee, and that you are using said services at your own risk.

On occasion, our website may contain links to other websites. In the event this occurs, Bevviie (Pty) Ltd is not responsible for the privacy practices or content safety of other websites, but expects them to abide by similar policies. SOCIAL MEDIA Users have the option to register and ultimately log into our website via Facebook and/or Twitter, giving users the opportunity to interact with friends and to share on social networks. Once you register with Bevviie (Pty) Ltd and connect with either social network, you will be able to automatically post recent Bevviie activity back to your social pages. Please refer to the privacy settings in your social network account to manage the data that is shared through your account. By proceeding with the offered social network connection, you grant Bevviie (Pty) Ltd permission to access all of the elements of your social network profile information that you have made available to be shared and to use it in accordance with the social network’s terms of use and this Privacy Policy.

Bevviie (Pty) Ltd is not responsible for any misappropriation of Personal Information that may result in any way from the privacy practices of said social network links. AMENDMENTS TO PRIVACY POLICY Bevviie (Pty) Ltd,  reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time by posting a revised version on this page or on a successor page. The new version will become effective on its posting date, which will be listed at the top of the page as the ‘effective date’. CONTACT Any questions regarded our Privacy Policy should be directed to the below email address.

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